WHO starts access to free online courses on COVID-19......Read More Inside

Another attempt of WHO to create awareness, among people and health workers for this new MONSTER VIRUS AKA CORONAVIRUS(COVID-19),which is said to be originated from Wuhan has killed thousands of people globally till now and is continuing to kill many other.So talking of this attempt earlier WHO launched Whatsapp chat session to enable people to communicate with WHO autobots who will be answering the doubts of people regarding this virus,and is a very fruitful attempt of WHO to bust many myths that has been on-air regarding this virus (I have written detailed blog on this information you can read that on my site and also I have provided the link of that blog at the end of this blog) and now another good attempt was made by WHO to literally educate people and specifically health workers by joining free,open-access learning platform for health emergencies.So,you have an opportunity to learn about topics including COVID-19,infection,prevention and much more from various health experts.WHO has pinned this tweet on their twitter profile on Mar 27,2020 at 2:49 IST.

So,if any of you want to join or know somebody who will join this program this is the link join them today πŸ‘‰THIS IS LINK.

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